What is there to celebrate as the EU turns 60? Well, quite a lot actually. Asked to consider the real changes the EU has brought to the daily lives of its citizens, Cambre team members were not short on accomplishments to highlight.


To top three of “Freedom”, “A Safe and United Market” and “Justice and Peace” made it onto our birthday card for the bloc – download it here and feel free to share! Below (in no particular order) are just a few of the other things that the EU has done for us that made the shortlist. Happy birthday to our European Union!

  • No more border queues
  • Erasmus – studying abroad and meeting other young Europeans at our home universities
  • The freedom to travel, live, work, do business and retire anywhere in the EU
  • Health protection abroad
  • The Euro and the ease of payment across borders
  • Compensation for delayed flights
  • The right to return products and get a refund
  • Minimum maternity leave and parental leave
  • Cheaper consumer goods
  • 2-year guarantee on all products
  • Safer products thanks to high harmonised standards
  • Safer communities thanks to the cross-border fight against crime, but also laws on such things as child abduction
  • Mutual recognition of degrees and qualifications, but also of marriages, divorces, etc.
  • The Ecolabel
  • Energy efficiency labelling on products
  • Regional funding to improve infrastructure in poorer areas
  • Minimum rules on paid annual leave (4 weeks) and a 48h limit to weekly working hours
  • Better air and water quality, clean beaches (and environment more generally)
  • Rules on tobacco sales and smoke free work environments
  • Lower mobile calls and roaming rates



What is there to celebrate as the EU turns 60? (68.85 KB)