As part of the European Digital Strategy, the European Commission will propose by the end of 2020 a new Digital Services Act (DSA) to address a wide range of challenges that have come with the rise of digital services in the last two decades. Amongst others, the Commission aims to tackle issues regarding safety online, freedom of expression, the liability of online platforms and the level playing field in the digital economy.
To help shape the future rulebook for digital services, the Commission launched on 2 June a DSA package consultation. Respondents are invited to submit their response by 8 September. The Consultation seeks views on clarifying responsibilities for online intermediaries as well as on the governance system to ensure that rules are correctly enforced across the EU. It also calls for feedback on its plan for an ex-ante regulation for very large online platforms acting as gatekeepers to ensure a level playing field.
In parallel, three different Committees at the European Parliament, IMCO, JURI, and LIBE, are preparing their respective own-initiative report on what the DSA should tackle and how best it should achieve its goals. Though non-binding, the reports will provide useful indications on the Parliament’s position and complement the Commission’s work.
As a lot has happened before the summer break and the Consultation is due to close in a few days, we have grouped in a “pocket” format the various Commission and Parliament initiatives that will feed into the proposal, as well as the key players involved.
Feel free to contact Cambre if you would like further information or to meet our tech team.
We hope you find our DSA in your pocket useful.